Welcome to the process, this project is ongoing.....

The Children Belong to the City Playground project builds on existing efforts to connect children at the Burlington Children’s Space and local outdoor spaces including the Intervale gardens and walking paths, local community garden sites, public parks and green spaces, and the city’s waterfront. The focus of this project is the development of a new playground for The Burlington Children’s Space incorporating elements from public spaces around the city that promote open ended play, physical challenges, and interest in the natural world throughout the seasons. Children, teachers, and parents will be involved in various outings to observe, play, and collect ideas. The process provides many opportunities for children, teachers and parents to share healthy activities such as neighborhood walks, visits to parks and gardens, and open ended outdoor play.

The Infant Garden is Complete

We have jumped through all of the necessary hoops to keep our project moving. After a few nail biting visits to planning and zoning before getting the all clear for construction.

Thanks to Lindsay and our fabulous parent and community volunteers the base was laid and the site prepped for the stone wall.

Under the watchful eye of the Infant Room Teachers and Parents Charley McMartin created the circular stone wall that encloses the infant garden and grass is beginning to peek up. The lucky babies had a terrific view out their window and even ventured into the construction zone for some supervised product testing. With their feedback Charley was able to make some final adjustments and call phase one finished. We will complete the planting after the tree house construction is over.

Now, time to make way for phase two- the tree house.