Welcome to the process, this project is ongoing.....

The Children Belong to the City Playground project builds on existing efforts to connect children at the Burlington Children’s Space and local outdoor spaces including the Intervale gardens and walking paths, local community garden sites, public parks and green spaces, and the city’s waterfront. The focus of this project is the development of a new playground for The Burlington Children’s Space incorporating elements from public spaces around the city that promote open ended play, physical challenges, and interest in the natural world throughout the seasons. Children, teachers, and parents will be involved in various outings to observe, play, and collect ideas. The process provides many opportunities for children, teachers and parents to share healthy activities such as neighborhood walks, visits to parks and gardens, and open ended outdoor play.

Mission, Values, and Philosophy

The Burlington Children’s Space embraces, enriches, empowers and educates young children and families in our community.

Our vision is to be a nurturing, educational haven for children and an indispensable early education and child care resource to families and our community.

A. The BCS values high quality early education and childcare for all children:
and believes that BCS experiences contribute to this goal.
B. The BCS values community:
and prioritizes effective partnerships with various community entities. We believe these partnerships result in a synergy that both enhances children’s experiences and opportunities and improves our community.
C. The BCS values diversity:
and believes success depends on the Center’s ability to be inclusive and assure the availability of comprehensive programs and services to all populations.
D. The BCS values staff:
the provision of a well-qualified, motivated staff is imperative for ensuring that the Center fulfills its mission.
E. The BCS values fiscal soundness:
by becoming a self-sustaining non-profit endeavor.
F. The BCS values excellence:
by being the educator and caretaker of choice for young children and families.

Our Philosophy

At Burlington Children’s Space, we believe that young children thrive when
their learning is cultivated within a stimulating and nurturing environment that
takes into consideration the “whole” child.

Family, culture, socioeconomic background and developmental stage are all
integral parts of each child and should be welcomed as integrated parts of a rich
environment. We strive to create a sense of community for our children within the Center and help them feel a part of the larger community they live in as well.

Children are competent learners. We respect and value their curiosity, their
social nature, their purposeful inquiries and their incredible perseverance. We
believe that children will demonstrate their own complex and meaningful agendas
for learning as they all possess a natural desire to challenge themselves and
embrace new experiences.

We believe in positive language, active problem solving, appropriate limits and
positive consequences for desired behavior and we strive to model these ideas
within empathetic and caring classrooms.

Finally, we believe in the power of love and acceptance and that we have as
much to learn from young children as they have to learn from us.