After many meetings and long conversations we have our first contractor- ready to begin on the infant garden in a few short weeks!
The selection process was long, but fun. Jon and Danielle were interested in feedback about how the contractors would approach the construction and if they had questions about details of the design. The BCSers were, as always , interested in the process. We wanted to know what kind of experience a contractor had working with teachers, parent volunteers, interested neighbors, and especially children. Were they able to think through the details of life on a construction site with 40 inquisitive audience members? Were they willing to make use of our small army of excited volunteers who have been eagerly awaiting a chance to get involved? What made them excited about and interested in the project and BCS? These were wonderful discussion about where to get large quantities of hard hats and safety goggles!
During these conversations we discovered that Charley Mac Martin of Queen City Soil and Stone was uniquely suited to our project. As a former teacher of young children Charley has some great ideas about how to safely include children in the project. As a current teacher of stone wall workshops he is prepared to work with volunteers ( those lucky volunteers!). Charley's work can be seen at http://queencitysoilandstone.com/. Nex up volunteer opportunties. Stay tuned.
The selection process was long, but fun. Jon and Danielle were interested in feedback about how the contractors would approach the construction and if they had questions about details of the design. The BCSers were, as always , interested in the process. We wanted to know what kind of experience a contractor had working with teachers, parent volunteers, interested neighbors, and especially children. Were they able to think through the details of life on a construction site with 40 inquisitive audience members? Were they willing to make use of our small army of excited volunteers who have been eagerly awaiting a chance to get involved? What made them excited about and interested in the project and BCS? These were wonderful discussion about where to get large quantities of hard hats and safety goggles!
During these conversations we discovered that Charley Mac Martin of Queen City Soil and Stone was uniquely suited to our project. As a former teacher of young children Charley has some great ideas about how to safely include children in the project. As a current teacher of stone wall workshops he is prepared to work with volunteers ( those lucky volunteers!). Charley's work can be seen at http://queencitysoilandstone.com/. Nex up volunteer opportunties. Stay tuned.